Why Sealcoat?

                    SEALED                                  NOT SEALED                                                                                                                                                                                               

Seal Coating preserves asphalt and improves its appearance. A properly sealed driveway will last longer, be easier to maintain, save you money and improve the curb appeal of your home or business.


How does it do that?

Sealcoating seals out water
Once water enters the pavement it slowly destroys it by expanding and contracting during freeze/thaw cycles. Small defects open up admitting more water, causing more damage. Larger defects join together forming cracks. Cracks join up creating a pothole. Sealcoating seals the small defects and stops the cycle. Larger existing cracks are filled with a rubberized acrylic sealant.

Sealcoating bonds the fine top layer of pavement
Weather, wear and tear eventually loosens the top layer of asphalt leading to erosion and exposing more fresh asphalt. The sealcoating arrests the erosion of the fine particles and a small amount of particles are added in the sealcoating to replenish the surface.

Sealcoating prevents gas and oil damage
The high quality sealant used by Plante's Sealcoating is formulated to reduce gas and oil damage much better than bare asphalt.

Sealcoating prevents oxidation
Sealcoating blocks the sun's ultraviolet rays that harden and dry out asphalt surfaces accelerating cracking and erosion.

Sealcoating makes your driveway easier to maintain
The smooth and level surface of a properly sealed driveway is easier to sweep. Sealcoating also makes it easier ro remove leaves and snow. The dark black color actually absorbs the suns rays better helping melt and dry that last bit of snow.

Sealcoating improves the appearance of your home or business
Sealcoating restores the rich slate black color of your driveway. The driveway is one of the first things a visitor or customer sees. "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression."


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